It’s Time to Be Smarter at Being a Working Mom Balancing It All

Many working moms want to balance it all in a more achievable manner. Yet many of us don’t honestly put into effect ways to make it happen. We seem rather gripe about what isn’t getting done to our friends/family. As a mother, we want to be the queen who does it all and does it well. Many of us have our secret desires to be more powerful than we really are able to physically able to do.

As I prepare for my potential return into the workforce away from the house, my husband and I are discussing how things are going to have yet again to change in the house. I am going to have to be smarter at being a working mom balancing it all. I’ve been in these shoes before, but I wasn’t overly smart about my decisions I made then. This time I’m going into this position wiser and with a different mindset. I want to earn those top dollars and those shining bright smiles from my family too. I firmly believe that I can make that happen by implementing some pretty handy tips I’ve learned as a work-from-home mom with three young kids, but with some additional little twists to the mix.

Maintaining the House

We are firm believers in kids having their own set of chores. That drastically helps out with keeping the house looking in tip top shape. Plus it prepares them for running and maintaining their own home when they are older. My house will NEVER be correctly magazine ready, but it will be filled with love and laughter.

Keeping the Marriage Strong

Del and I also make darn certain we have date nights at least once a week. That doesn’t have to change by much, but instead I want us to be able to GO OUT at least once a month together. We need to make it a point to have time away from everything. That will help keep our relationship strong and close. Therefore, my marriage will stay on solid ground which is vital in the ever changing world we live in. Since we won’t be together nearly as much, we have to spend the time we do have together wisely. I also want to make it our mission to rent a hotel room once every six months and spend the night away from the house. There is something to be said for rekindling those embers when you’re not at home!

Plus we make darn sure we say, “I Love You” at the end of every conversation. Plus we never leave each other for extended periods of time without a kiss to tie us over until we see each other again. If we have the chance to call/text we, do it too.

Keeping the Bond with the Kids

My kids have grown very accustomed to me being there for them all the time. They are concerned about me leaving them again and not having time to do the fun things with them. Truth be told, I’m a tad concerned by that fact too. However, I also know that I’ll have days off! My days off will be for the kids to finish up their lessons that they may be having trouble with. No one says I can’t continue to take lessons outside or find other ways to make them extra special for us. On top of that, since I will be working, there will be funds for other fun things that I couldn’t do with them before. I can’t remember where I read it, but as long as your kids have two hours of your quality attention a day then they are happy. I’ve tested that theory out many times over, and it’s been proven to work time and time again!

Feeding the Crew

I’m not going to lie to you this one is going to be tricky for me. I have a heck of a time feeding this family when I’m here every day all day long. Yet, we have to find a way to plan our meals ahead of time. That’s why I’m so glad Heather from Daily DIY Life provided an excellent menu planning kit complete with a printable to get us started in the right direction. I do know my Ninja 3-in-1 cooker is going to be my best friend for sure!

These are some of the ways I plan on being smarter at being a working mom balancing it all. It seems obvious, but these little things tend to get lost in the crazy-hectic life of a working mom’s life. Trust me when I say the little things really do add up to making life complete and happy.

What are some ways you’re going to be smarter at being a working mom balancing it all?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “It’s Time to Be Smarter at Being a Working Mom Balancing It All”

  1. Great post. My hardest thing was balancing being a working Mom and spending time with my family during the crazy, busy holiday season. Throw blogging in there, and it is even harder to juggle. Some days I think I have it, others days: no way. But you keep trying, and praying, falling down and getting back up again. You are a strong woman, and I know you can do it!

    • Thank you, Jennifer for the words of encouragement. The holiday season is crazy for any working parents for sure. I will be just like you and fall and get back up for sure!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Thank you for sharing this on #frugalfamily – such a great post and yes working mums need all the help we can get with the balancing act! Don’t forget to link up another post next Thursday! xx


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