Someone More Protective Than Me…

I didn’t think there was a mother alive more protective than me on this planet. I have met my match in one of my family members. I was riding bikes with the kids (Zeva in her trailer, Delbert on his bike and Jimmy on his and both boys had on their helmets.) We were riding our bikes on the main road right in front of our house. We only had to ride maybe a football length on a paved road, and there was plenty of grass for us to get off the road if a car was headed for us. Yet, one of my family members was having a hissy fit over us riding our bikes on the main road. I couldn’t believe it. Since it was our second time of riding our bikes for the day and it was getting late, I decided to just call it a night of riding our bikes.

However, it got me thinking. I’ve been so leery to take the boys on the road on their bikes as well. Yet, they need to learn road safety as well. I definitely wouldn’t be comfortable yet taking them on long trips on the road on their bikes. I would definitely much rather be able to load up the bikes and ride them in some parks in the state, but I don’t have a bike rack YET that will hold all of our bikes.

There is a big part of me that truly understands why she’s concerned. Especially since it took me ages to even make the move to take them on the road myself. However, for Delbert and I, it’s actually a lot easier to ride our bikes on the road than it is up and down our long driveway because our bikes don’t get stuck!!

If I lived on a road that had cars on it every second of everyday, then I definitely wouldn’t consider doing it. We really don’t have heavy traffic during certain parts of the day, and that was when I was taking the chance.

What are your thoughts on it??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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