9 Winning Sports Side Hustles: Earn Extra Cash Like a Pro

Are you a sports enthusiast looking to score some extra cash? You’re not alone. Many athletes and fans are turning their passion into profit. Here’s the game plan: we’ve got 9 winning sports side hustles that’ll help you earn like a pro. 2 

Ready to play ball? Let’s go! 1

Key Takeaways

Sports side hustles like coaching, betting, officiating, and photography can earn extra money.

Personal sports coaching can pay up to $100 per hour for skilled coaches.

Refereeing youth games pays $25-$50 per match, while high school games pay $50-$100.

Homes within a mile of NFL stadiums can see rent increase up to 9%.

Houses near sports arenas have gone up 4.7% in value over time.

Coaching and Training for Athletes

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Got a knack for sports? Turn that passion into cash! Coaching and training athletes can be a fun way to make extra money. You’ll help others get better while staying fit yourself.

Personal Sports Coaching

Personal sports coaching is a hot side hustle for sports lovers. It’s a chance to share your skills and make good money. 1

  • One-on-one training: Help athletes get better at their sport. You can work with kids or adults who want to up their game.
  • Set your own hours: Coach when it fits your schedule. Many parents are happy to pay $100 an hour for good coaching.
  • Use your sports know-how: Put your experience to work. Whether you played in school or just love the game, you can help others improve.
  • Start small: Begin with a few clients and grow your business. Word can spread fast if you do a good job.
  • Offer special skills training: Focus on things like pitching in baseball or free throws in basketball. People often want help with specific parts of their sport.
  • Make it fun: Use games and drills to keep your students excited. Happy athletes are more likely to keep coming back.
  • Stay up-to-date: Learn new coaching methods to give your clients the best help. The sports world is always changing. 2
  • Build relationships: Get to know your athletes and their goals. This can lead to long-term clients and more work.
  • Market yourself: Use social media to show off your coaching skills. Post tips and success stories to attract new clients.

Next, let’s look at how you can expand your coaching skills to team sports training.

Team Sports Training

Team sports training is a great way to earn extra cash. You can help teams improve their skills and work together better.

  • Get certified as a coach. Many sports groups want trained leaders.
  • Start with youth teams. Local leagues often need coaches for kids’ teams.
  • Offer fitness sessions. Help teams build strength and stamina.
  • Teach game strategies. Show teams how to play smarter on the field.
  • Run practice drills. Design fun exercises to boost skills.
  • Use video analysis. Record games and show teams how to improve. 3
  • Host team-building activities. Help players bond off the field.
  • Teach mental toughness. Show athletes how to stay focused under pressure.
  • Organize scrimmages. Set up practice games to test skills.
  • Create training plans. Design workout schedules for teams to follow.

Watching sports can help you learn more about coaching. 4 Next, let’s look at how you can make money through sports betting.

Exploring Sports Betting Responsibly

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Sports betting can be fun, but it’s risky. Learn how to bet smart and stay safe while enjoying the thrill.

Gaining Insights into the Betting Market

The betting market can be tricky. But don’t worry! You can learn a lot by watching and studying. Look at how odds change. See which teams get more bets. This helps you make smarter choices.

It’s like solving a fun puzzle.

I once thought betting was just luck. Boy, was I wrong! After digging in, I saw patterns emerge. It’s not magic – just careful observation. You can find great sportsbook deals at https://www.wsn.com/bonuses/.

These help you start off on the right foot. 5 Next, let’s talk about being responsible with betting. 6

Knowledge is power in the betting world.

Emphasizing Responsible Betting Habits

Betting smart is key. Set a budget and stick to it. Don’t chase losses or bet more than you can afford. Know the risks and odds before you place a bet. 7 It’s easy to get caught up in the thrill, but stay level-headed.

Take breaks often and never bet when upset or drinking.

Sports betting should be fun, not stressful. If it stops being enjoyable, take a step back. There are free tools to help you stay in control. Use them! 8 Now, let’s look at how research can help you make smarter bets.

Research and Analysis for Informed Betting

Now that we’ve talked about betting responsibly, let’s dig into research and analysis. Smart betting needs good info and sharp thinking. Here’s how to up your game:

  • Look at past games. Check how teams played before. This helps guess future results. 9
  • Study player stats. Know who’s hot and who’s not. It matters for bets.
  • Watch for team news. Injuries or trades can change everything.
  • Learn about weather effects. Rain or wind can impact outdoor sports.
  • Follow expert picks. But don’t just copy them. Use them as a starting point.
  • Use math to your advantage. Learn basic odds and probability.
  • Keep a betting log. Track your wins and losses to see what works.
  • Stay up on league trends. Know which teams are on the rise or fall.
  • Compare odds from different places. Find the best value for your bets.
  • Don’t ignore the underdogs. They can surprise you with big wins. 10

Officiating at Sports Competitions

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Ever dreamed of being in the middle of the action? Officiating at sports events puts you right there! It’s a thrilling way to earn extra cash while staying close to the games you love.

Refereeing Sports Matches

Refereeing sports matches can be a fun way to earn extra cash. It’s a great fit for women who love sports and want to stay active.

  • Get certified: Sign up for ref classes in your area. Learn the rules and how to make fair calls.
  • Start small: Begin with youth games. You can make $25 to $50 per match. 11
  • Move up: As you gain skills, ref high school games. These pay $50 to $100 each. 11
  • Stay fit: Refs need to keep up with players. Do cardio and strength training.
  • Be tough: Players and fans may yell. Keep your cool and stand by your calls.
  • Know the field: Each sport has its own rules. Study them well.
  • Dress right: Wear the proper uniform. Look sharp and pro.
  • Use good gear: Invest in a quality whistle and comfortable shoes.
  • Network: Meet other refs. They can help you find more work.
  • Keep learning: Watch pro refs. See how they handle tough calls.
  • Be on time: Show up early to games. Set up and check the field.
  • Stay safe: Know how to spot and stop unsafe play.
  • Have fun: Enjoy being part of the game. Your love for sports will show. 12

Sports Event Scorekeeping

Sports event scorekeeping is a fun way to earn extra cash. It’s perfect for sports lovers who want to stay close to the action. 13

  • Keep track of points, fouls, and game time
  • Use digital scoreboards or old-school paper methods
  • Learn the rules for each sport you score
  • Stay focused – every play counts!
  • Work with refs to ensure fair scoring 13
  • Earn $25 to $50 per game for youth sports
  • Make $50 to $100 for high school games 11
  • Get paid to watch your favorite sports
  • Meet new people and build your network
  • Gain insider knowledge of different sports
  • Improve your math skills on the job
  • Enjoy a flexible schedule – pick your games
  • Start small with local leagues to gain experience
  • Move up to bigger events as you improve
  • Use your phone’s camera to snap action shots
  • Share highlights on social media to boost your profile
  • Learn to use sports stats apps for pro-level scoring
  • Offer your services to local teams and leagues
  • Team up with other scorekeepers for bigger events

Writing and Reporting on Sports

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Sports writing can be a fun way to make extra cash. You can write about games, players, and teams for blogs or news sites. It’s a great chance to share your love of sports with others.

Crafting Athlete Profiles

Crafting athlete profiles is a fun way to earn extra cash. 13 You’ll get to know sports stars up close and personal. It’s like being a detective, but for athletes! You’ll dig into their lives, training, and big wins.

Then, you’ll write stories that make fans feel like they know the athletes.

I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Noah Lyles. – Noah Lyles

This job needs good writing skills and a love for sports. 14 You might chat with Noah Lyles about his Adidas deal. Or you could ask how he’ll spend his $50,000 gold medal bonus. The key is to find what makes each athlete special.

Then, share that with the world in a way that’s easy and fun to read.

Analyzing Games and Updating Sports News

Moving from athlete profiles, let’s talk about game analysis and sports news updates. This side job can be fun and rewarding. You get to watch games and share your thoughts with others.

Plus, you stay current on all the latest sports happenings. 13

To start, pick a sport you love. Watch games closely and take notes. Look for key plays, player stats, and game-changing moments. Then, write short, clear reports about what you saw.

Share these on social media or sports blogs. As you build your skills, you might even land a job with local news outlets. Good analysis takes practice. But with time, you can turn your love of sports into extra cash. 15

Capturing Sports Through Photography

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Sports photos can make you money. Snap action shots at games and sell them to teams, players, or fans.

Covering Sports Events with Photography

Sports photography is a thrilling way to earn extra cash. Let’s dive into how you can cover sports events with your camera. 16

  1. Get the right gear. You’ll need a good camera with fast shutter speeds. A zoom lens helps you catch far-off action.
  2. Learn the sport. Know the rules and key moments to snap the best shots.
  3. Find your spot. Pick a good place to shoot from. Get close to the action, but stay safe.
  4. Set your camera right. Use fast shutter speeds to freeze motion. High ISO helps in low light.
  5. Focus on faces. Capture the emotions of players and fans. These shots tell great stories.
  6. Shoot in bursts. Take many photos at once to catch the perfect moment.
  7. Edit your best shots. Pick your top photos and make them shine with basic edits.
  8. Build a portfolio. Show off your best work to get more gigs. 16
  9. Network with teams and leagues. Make friends who can hire you for events. 17
  10. Price your work fairly. Start around $25-$50 per game for youth sports. Aim higher as you gain skill.

Marketing Sports Photographs Online

Got a knack for snapping great sports shots? Turn that talent into cash! Sell your photos online and watch the money roll in. It’s easy to start. Just pick a site like Shutterstock or iStock, upload your best pics, and set your prices.

Sports fans love buying cool photos of their favorite teams and players. 18

Don’t forget to show off your work on social media too. Instagram and Facebook are perfect for this. Post your best shots and tag them right. You’ll grab more eyes on your work and maybe land some sweet gigs.

Who knows? You might even get to cover big games or shoot for pro teams one day! 19

Teaching Sports Skills Online

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Got sports skills? Share ’em online! You can teach folks how to swing a bat or kick a ball from your living room. It’s a cool way to make extra cash and help others get better at sports.

Developing Sports Training Courses

Sports training courses are a hot ticket for side hustles. Here’s how to make your mark in this field:

  1. Pick your sport. Choose one you know well and love. It could be soccer, tennis, or even chess. 20
  2. Plan your lessons. Break down skills into easy steps. Think about what beginners need to know first.
  3. Make it fun. Add games and contests to your course. People learn better when they’re having a good time.
  4. Use tech tools. Record videos of drills and tips. Share them on YouTube or your own website.
  5. Set fair prices. Look at what others charge. Start low to get more students at first.
  6. Market your course. Use social media to spread the word. Ask friends to tell others about it.
  7. Get feedback. Ask students what they like and don’t like. Use their ideas to make your course better.
  8. Offer one-on-one help. Some folks might want extra coaching. This can be a way to earn more.
  9. Keep learning. Stay up to date with new training methods. Your students will thank you for it. 4
  10. Be patient. Building a great course takes time. But if you stick with it, you can score big.

Conducting Virtual Coaching Sessions

Virtual coaching takes online training to the next level. It lets you help athletes from anywhere in the world. 13

  • Set up your tech. You’ll need a good camera, mic, and fast internet. Zoom or Skype work great for video calls. 21
  • Plan your sessions. Make a clear outline of what you’ll cover. Include warm-ups, drills, and cool-downs.
  • Use visual aids. Share your screen to show videos or diagrams. This helps explain complex moves.
  • Give real-time feedback. Watch your athletes closely and offer tips as they practice.
  • Record sessions. Athletes can review them later to reinforce learning.
  • Offer one-on-one and group classes. This gives options for different budgets and needs.
  • Create a quiet space. Find a spot with good lighting and no background noise.
  • Be patient. Tech issues happen. Stay calm and have a backup plan.
  • Encourage questions. Make sure athletes feel comfy asking for help.
  • Keep it fun. Use games and challenges to keep energy high.
  • Follow up after sessions. Send notes or homework to keep athletes on track.

Starting a Business in the Sports Industry

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Got a knack for sports? Turn it into cash! Starting a sports biz can be a home run. You could sell cool gear or start a fun sports club.

Marketing Athlete-Branded Merchandise

Athlete-branded stuff is hot right now. You can make money selling gear with sports stars’ names on it.

  1. Pick your athlete: Choose a popular player fans love. Look for rising stars or local heroes.
  2. Design cool products: Make shirts, hats, or water bottles. Use the athlete’s logo, number, or catchphrase. 23
  3. Set up an online shop: Use sites like Shopify or Etsy. They make selling easy and fun.
  4. Spread the word: Share your stuff on Instagram and TikTok. Ask friends to post about it too. 22
  5. Team up with the athlete: Reach out and offer a cut of sales. They might help promote your goods.
  6. Price it right: Check what others charge. Make sure you can still earn money after costs.
  7. Ship fast: Quick delivery makes buyers happy. They’ll come back for more.
  8. Listen to feedback: Ask customers what they like. Make changes to sell even more.
  9. Stay legal: Get OK from the athlete or their team. Don’t copy other people’s designs.
  10. Have fun with it: Enjoy the process. Your passion will show in your products.

Starting a sports business can be fun and rewarding. You could sell sports gear, run a fitness studio, or create a sports app. The key is finding something you love and know well. Maybe you excel at yoga or have a knack for baseball stats.

Use that passion to build your business idea.

Getting started is often easier than you think. Start small and grow gradually. You might begin by selling custom team shirts online or coaching kids on weekends. As you learn and earn more, you can expand.

Even big sports brands like Nike started small. With hard work and smart choices, your sports business could become a success! 2425

Investing in Sports-Focused Real Estate

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Sports real estate can be a gold mine. Think stadiums, arenas, or even nearby hotels – they’re hot spots for sports fans.

Operating Properties for Sports Events

Sports events need places to happen. You can make money by running properties for these events. Here’s how:

  1. Buy or rent a big space. Look for fields, gyms, or indoor arenas. Make sure they’re big enough for the sport you want to host. 27
  2. Fix up the space. Add good lights, clean bathrooms, and comfy seats. People will come back if they like the place.
  3. Get the right gear. Buy balls, nets, and other stuff teams need to play. You can charge extra for using this gear. 26
  4. Hire staff to help. You’ll need people to clean, sell tickets, and keep things running smooth.
  5. Make deals with local teams. Offer them a good price to use your space often. This gives you steady cash.
  6. Host big events. Plan tournaments or special games. These bring in lots of people and money.
  7. Sell food and drinks. People get hungry at games. Set up stands to sell snacks and drinks.
  8. Rent out ad space. Let companies put up signs in your venue. This is easy money for you.
  9. Offer classes or camps. When no games are on, use the space for sports lessons or summer camps.
  10. Keep it safe and clean. Always follow safety rules. A clean, safe place will bring more business.

Investing in Properties Near Sports Venues

Investing in properties near sports venues can be a smart move. Here’s why it might be a home run for your wallet:

  1. Rent boost: Homes within a mile of NFL stadiums can see rent jump up to 9%. That’s extra cash in your pocket! 28
  2. Value climb: Houses close to sports arenas have gone up 4.7% in value. Your property could be worth more over time.
  3. Game day gold: You can charge higher rent on game days. Fans love staying close to the action!
  4. Year-round income: Even when games aren’t on, you can rent to locals or tourists. Your place will always be in demand.
  5. Fun factor: Living near a stadium means you’re close to the excitement. You might even catch some free fireworks!
  6. Business chances: Game days bring crowds. You could start a small business to serve hungry fans.
  7. Transport perks: Stadiums often have good public transport. This makes your property more appealing to renters. 27
  8. Community spirit: Sports bring people together. You’ll be part of a lively neighborhood.
  9. Resale value: If you decide to sell, your property might fetch a good price. Sports fans always want to be near the game.

According to the sports side hustle experts at Unfinished Man, this kind of investing can be tricky. But with care, it can pay off big time!

People Also Ask

How can I make money as a sports side hustler?

You can earn cash as a personal trainer, referee, or sports photographer. You might also try coaching, blogging, or starting a YouTube channel about sports. These jobs let you use your love of sports to make extra money.

Do I need special skills to start a sports side hustle?

Some jobs need training, like being a referee or personal trainer. But others, like blogging or taking photos, you can learn as you go. The key is to pick something you’re good at and enjoy doing.

Can I use social media for my sports side hustle?

Yes! Instagram and YouTube are great for showing off your skills. You can post workout videos, sports tips, or behind-the-scenes content. Building a following can lead to sponsorships and ad revenue.

How much can I earn from a sports side hustle?

It varies. Some jobs pay a flat fee, like refereeing a game. Others, like personal training, let you set your own rates. Online hustles like blogging or YouTube can earn money through ads and affiliate links. It often starts small but can grow over time.

Are there any low-cost sports side hustles to try?

Sure! Start a sports blog or podcast with just a computer. You can referee youth games with minimal gear. Even personal training can start with just you and a park. As you grow, you can invest in better equipment.

How do I market my sports side hustle?

Word-of-mouth is powerful. Tell friends and use social media to spread the word. Make a simple website to look pro. Partner with local teams or gyms. Remember, good work often leads to more clients through referrals.


^ https://www.bls.gov/ooh/entertainment-and-sports/coaches-and-scouts.htm

^ https://skillshark.com/passive-income-sports-coaches/

^ https://www.bls.gov/ooh/entertainment-and-sports/athletes-and-sports-competitors.htm

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10325855/

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5247806/

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unveiling-parallels-between-sports-betting-business-my-robinson-iii-gywne

^ https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/responsible-gaming

^ https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/01/22/sports-betting (2024-01-22)

^ https://overunderdc.com/blog/f/researching-teams-and-players-a-guide-to-informed-betting (2023-11-29)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066997/

^ https://www.refrsports.com/blog/refereeing-as-a-side-hustle-turning-a-passion-for-sports-into-extra-income (2024-07-24)

^ https://budgetsaresexy.com/side-hustle-series-get-paid-to-referee/

^ https://keeganedwards.com/sports-side-hustles-fun-and-profitable-ways-to-earn-extra-money/ (2023-11-30)

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/15-side-hustle-ideas-athletes-alex-opacic-1f

^ https://repository.bbg.ac.id/bitstream/575/1/Research_Methods_for_Sports_Studies.pdf

^ https://thefreelancehustle.com/photography-side-hustles/

^ https://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1605898/ (2019-07-23)

^ https://millennialmoney.com/get-paid-to-take-pictures/ (2022-08-26)

^ https://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1784384/ (2022-11-25)

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/15-side-hustle-ideas-athletes-alex-opacic-1c

^ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/side-hustle-teaching-online-courses-martha-warner?trk=pulse-article_more-articles_related-content-card

^ https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2594&context=honorstheses

^ https://guides.loc.gov/sports-industry/sports-managing-marketing

^ https://jsbs.scholasticahq.com/article/31718-sport-entrepreneurship-definition-and-conceptualization

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8125671/

^ https://efsupit.ro/images/stories/april2020/Art%20161.pdf

^ https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/08/business/sports-stadiums-real-estate-cities/index.html

^ https://www.leadingre.com/mediaroom/2024/01/05/the-intersection-of-sports-stadiums-and-real-estate-a-complex-game




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    I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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