Studs and Stilettos Book Review

I bought this book on my own accord via Amazon. I have been itching to read it for some time now. I finally got the chance to do it, and I literally took an entire day off from work almost to devour reading it.
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This is a great romance mystery by Bev Pettersen. This is a continuation from the book Thoroughbreds and Trailer Trash  that I read many moons ago now. As you can tell, I’m becoming quite a HUGE fan of Bev Pettersen’s books. These books are about Thoroughbred race horses, but there is loads of romance in them too. In Studs and Stilettos, there is also a nice dose of mystery to it too. It literally made me think about even when the book wasn’t in my hands.

I was steadily trying to figure out who the killer was. I was totally wrong and off base. It made for a good ending because it gave me a twist I wasn’t expecting. I enjoyed reading about the romance between Dan and Emily all throughout the book.

Now I will warn you, there is premarital sex scenes in the book, but they do not go into a whole lot of detail. I do feel that in this case there is some question as to whether or not their love is genuine, but in the same token I knew I loved Del almost immediately and it just took me many years to have enough guts to follow my heart!

If you’re a horse person, you’re going to fall in love with the horse characters in this book a lot. It’s going to make you want to spend some extra time riding and enjoying your beloved horse for sure. In my case, it made me miss Tripp even more. It also made me itch to get back in the saddle again, but all in due time!

This is a great book for these perfect summer lazy suntanning days! You’ll be nice and tan and have the chance to escape to the mysterious movie set held on the race track with Emily and Dan.

Have you read Bev Pettersen’s books before? If so, are like the other 300+ reviewers on Amazonir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00GXR89C0, and love her books? 

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Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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