Hey there, fellow Christian moms! Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly running around, balancing work, kids, and household chores, all while trying to keep your faith strong and prepare for the end times? Well, fear not! We’ve got your back with this handy guide to surviving the end times and preparing for Jesus’ return. Whether you’re a seasoned pro at prepping for the apocalypse or a complete novice, we’ve got tips and tricks to help you stay calm, collected, and ready for whatever the future may hold. So please sit back, relax, and let us help you prepare for the big day (or at least make it through until then with your sanity intact!)
Understanding the End Times
When it comes to preparing for Jesus’ return, it is essential to have an understanding of the end times. Many people have questions about what the end times will be like and what will happen in the end times.
In this guide, we’ll explore the biblical teachings about the end times and provide tips for how to prepare for Jesus’ return:
What are the End Times?
The term “End Times” typically refers to the period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. It is a period of transition and preparation before the Second Coming of Jesus, when He will usher in a new age of fullness on earth, including the final judgment and ultimate victory over sin and death.
The Bible teaches that every generation should be ready for Jesus’s return because it could occur at any time (Matthew 24:44; Mark 13:35). The Bible also outlines various signs and events, often referred to as “The Seven Seals,” which are necessary precursors for the actual return of Jesus. These seals include:
- turmoil in nations (Revelation 6:1–2)
- spiritual apostasy (Revelation 3:14–22)
- famines (Revelation 6:3–8)
- war (Revelation 6:3–8)
- judgments (Revelation 8—18)
- destruction (Daniel 12:1-2)
- chaos throughout the world leading up to His coming.
While not all details concerning the End Times have yet been revealed, it is clear from Scripture that God will bring about His ultimate plan for humanity—a fully-realized Kingdom on earth.
In light of these events, this guide has been created to help moms who wish to be prepared spiritually for all that comes with these End Times, including times of tribulation and trials, both emotionally and physically. We will cover topics related to parenting in difficult times and teaching children about God’s promises during these times. We hope this book is a helpful resource for those seeking assurance in uncertain times ahead so they can fully participate in God’s redemptive plan!
What are the different views of the End Times?

When it comes to the End of time, there are several different interpretations of prophecy that people ascribe to. Each has their own take on what will happen and when. It is essential to understand these different views to make informed decisions about how you want to live your life in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.
- The Pre-Millennial View: This is the most popular viewpoint among Christians today and says that Jesus’ return will be preceded by tribulation and suffering. Afterward, Christ will establish His kingdom on earth, where He reigns for over a thousand years before the final judgment.
- The Post-Millennial View: This view holds that believers will work toward establishing an earthly “golden age” before Jesus returns in judgment at the End of time. This is considered an optimistic view because we can have hope in accomplishing good works during our present lives, knowing we are working towards a world ruled by Jesus Christ where everyone lives peacefully.
- The A-Millennial View: Instead of a literal interpretation of Scripture, this view claims that prophetic references like “a thousand years” refer to an indeterminate period. This could refer to the entire length between Christ’s first and second coming or just a season leading up until Christ returns, where He establishes His Kingdom on earth spiritually rather than literally with physical thrones and governments as described in pre-millennial views.
- The historicist view: Through study, reformers like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and John Calvin developed this view which applies prophecies from Daniel or Revelation as various symbolic events throughout history, such as persecutions or crusades against other cultures like Jews or Muslims as opposed to final apocalyptic events leading up to Christ’s return at the very End of time according to accounts from verses like Revelation 20-22.
Preparing for Jesus’ Return
Preparing for Jesus’ return can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As a mom, it can be difficult to know where to start with such an important task. This guide will delve into the essentials of preparing for Jesus’ return. We’ll look at the spiritual aspect of preparation and practical steps you can take to get yourself and your family ready for His return. Let’s get started!
Storing up supplies and food
In preparation for Jesus’ return, it is important to ensure your family is cared for. This means stocking up on supplies, including food and other items that may be necessary during difficult times. Your goal should be to ensure you have enough food supplies to last your family six months or more.
When deciding what food items to get, focus on non-perishables like rice, dried beans, and canned goods. Make sure your pantry is well-stocked with nutritious foods such as whole grain cereal and oats, packed with energy-sustaining carbohydrates and minerals.
In addition to pantry staples, remember to keep a selection of freeze-dried meals on hand in case there are times when you need something quick and easy.
Consider purchasing an emergency water system like a water filtration device if you don’t have access to a natural clean drinking water source during an emergency. Also, consider buying vegetable seeds for planting in case the availability of fresh produce or other food sources becomes limited in the wake of disasters or war-like circumstances.
As part of preparing your family for Jesus’ return, you can teach them skills that could increase their chances of survival, such as:
- growing their own garden vegetables
- learning outdoor survival techniques like trapping wild game or hunting with bows and arrows or slingshots
Creating an emergency plan
As a Christian and parent, it’s important to consider how you and your family could prepare for Jesus’s return. Just as you would in a natural disaster, creating an emergency plan with precautions against an apocalyptic situation is crucial. Although there is no surefire way to survive during the end times, there are safety steps that families can take to plan ahead.
Developing an emergency plan involves considering different factors such as location, food storage, and communication methods. Knowing where each family member will go in a crisis is essential; also, be sure to have a backup contact and alternate forms of discussing potentially sensitive topics with children.
Experts suggest ensuring that an emergency kit is stowed away efficiently – waterproofing family documentation (the Bible included!) and including items such as cash or other currencies are just some ways to prepare effectively. It’s also wise to consider stockpiling canned and freeze-dried food items that could retain their nutritional value over time during prolonged crises. To keep your spirits up during times of distress, include comfort items such as photos or hobbies/supplies for passing the time with little ones who may not yet understand what is happening.
Families should continue searching for creative ways to survive during difficult times when Jesus returns – ultimately, being prepared for whatever spiritual tribulations may arise should be their main priority.
Praying for guidance and protection
When Jesus returns, we must be sure that we are prepared and ready for His coming. As a mother, a fundamental way of preparing is to pray for guidance and protection for ourselves and our families. The Bible tells us that the Lord is our shield and our sacrifice, as Deuteronomy 33:27 proclaims, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” This assurance should give us strength to persevere in prayer for God’s will to be done in our lives as we courageously strive toward building an end-times-ready family.
We can intercede on behalf of our families in times of emotional distress and keep them safe from physical harm or corruption. As Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We can also stand before the throne of grace in adoration as Psalm 34:3-4 entreats us – “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.”
Praying for guidance does not guarantee absolute protection or perfectly arranged circumstances; however, it does pave a path for faith-filled decisions about how to live out each season until Jesus comes back. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 affirms, “Pray continually.” It might seem daunting initially, but if we prioritize spending time with the Lord, He will provide direction and insight that gives us clarity when needed most. In turn, this strengthens our covenants with Jesus, which leads to righteousness within ourselves and ultimately brings glory to God throughout eternity.
Spiritual Preparation
When preparing for Jesus’ return, it’s important to have both physical and spiritual preparation. On the spiritual side, it is important to strengthen our relationship with God and deepen our faith continually. This can be done through the following:
- Prayer
- Bible study
- Regular church attendance
We can also learn from the experiences of others and gain strength from the community of believers. We can use these spiritual practices to prepare for Jesus’ return by taking these steps and staying close to God.
Strengthening your faith
Strengthening your faith is essential for spiritual preparation. Irrespective of what faith tradition one may adhere to, an individual must be comfortable with their beliefs and convictions to prepare spiritually. Different people have different ways of strengthening belief in spiritual matters; some use daily meditations or scripture reading, while others substitute physical activities like prayer walks or yoga. Even some art forms, such as painting, drawing, or journaling, can help strengthen our faith in the spiritual realm.
No matter what means one uses to draw closer to their faith, the exercise must be meaningful for them personally. Cultural norms and traditions are great foundations but having a firm understanding and confidence in their spiritual convictions is critical for effective preparation and growth. Seeking the truth within and allowing it to bind us closer to God or whomever we view as our higher power is key when preparing spiritually. Therefore, as one strengthens their faith, they must remain open-minded while striving towards recognizing divine truth within themselves and an embracement of unconditional love and support from God/higher power during times of personal growth.
Reading and studying the Bible
The Bible is the Word of God and holds all the answers for life. When preparing for Jesus’ return, reading and studying God’s Word is essential because it is only through Scripture that we can understand our spiritual journey and prepare for eternity in Heaven.
Reading the Bible daily gives us insight into how God wants us to live so that we can faithfully serve Him. As a guide to spiritual preparation, reading Scripture helps us maintain a Christ-like attitude even when uncertain times arise.
It is important to remember that without studying and reflecting on the text of Scripture itself, our knowledge of what God desires of us will remain limited. We must equip ourselves with a basic understanding and an intimate knowledge of God’s plans for use—a knowledge only accessible by actively studying His Word. Taking time each day (or week) to read and reflect on Scripture is vital in achieving a successful spiritual preparation as we anticipate Jesus’ return.
Questions such as “What does the Bible say about ____?” or “How can I apply this scripture today?” will create an open dialogue between God and us as He reveals His truth unto us through His Word. Taking advantage of resources such as bible studies, Sunday school classes, or books authors have written can be incredibly helpful in maintaining a consistent reading plan throughout this period of waiting for Christ’s return – making sure you keep your heart fearfully dedicated toward Him!
Spending time in prayer
Regular, intentional prayer is essential to spiritual preparation. Through prayer, we communicate with God and rely on His Spirit to guide us in our preparation for Jesus’ return. When you pray, allow God’s presence to fill your spirit. Acknowledge Him for who He is—the Almighty Creator of the Universe—and thank Him for loving us and providing us with everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
As you pray, talk to Him about those uncertainties you feel inside. Ask God to open your eyes so you can recognize the signs of Jesus’ return (Matthew 24:32-36). Pray through any fears or anxieties laid on your heart, confess any areas of wrong thinking or behavior, and submit them to His will (1 John 1:9). Humbly ask Him for wisdom and peace as you journey this path of spiritual preparation (James 1:5-8).
Pray more specifically about the people in your life and ask God to help them recognize their spiritual needs and equip both parents and children with everything necessary to grow holily, living according to His will (Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Ephesians 4:11-15). Pray also for strength when fear rises within you during difficult circumstances or unexpected events. Remember that our hope is not rooted in ourselves but fixed firmly on Jesus Christ, who will come again soon!
Preparing Your Family
As a mom in the End Times, preparing yourself and your family for Jesus’ return is important. The Bible provides instructions and guidance on preparing for that day.
This section will focus on preparing your family for the End Times best. We’ll discuss the following:
- How to create a plan
- What supplies should you stock up on
- How to effectively teach your children about Jesus’ return.
Let’s get started.
Talking to your children about the End Times
End times predictions have long been a source of confusion and fear for many. For parents, it can be challenging to consider how best to talk with their children about end times without causing panic or distress. As such, it is important to approach this conversation with sensitivity and thoughtfulness. Here are some steps that can help you prepare your family for these conversations:
- Start by discussing your personal beliefs in the context of other faiths and end-time predictions. While it is understandable that you may want to uphold the beliefs of your family’s faith tradition, understand that you will be introducing another perspective that may differ from those of others in their life – such as teachers, peers, or extended family members. You must make every effort to emphasize respect for differing viewpoints and create a safe space for discussion if questions arise.
- Be prepared for unexpected queries and reactions from children, as resiliency levels will vary among age groups and individuals within the same age group. When discussing such an abstract yet potentially alarming topic like end-times predictions, having an appropriate follow-up plan ready in case more sensitive queries arise is key to helping your family navigate this unpredictable historical moment while remaining emotionally secure and grounded.
- Look into local community events and activities around end-time topics or world religions that could provide an engaging way for kids to learn more about the issues from those already knowledgeable on a professional level – such as experts from nearby universities or guest speakers on religious studies at houses of worship – rather than trying to answer all of their own questions about these complex topics themselves.
- Use examples found in popular culture or shared experiences involving friends and family members as helpful reference points when speaking about end-time topics with children – tying these references into legible points on what happens during this period helps keep conversations practical instead of abstracted danger points parents worry most about when speaking on these uncertainties.
- Create intentional dialogue ahead of any publicly available news reports – monitoring upcoming newscasts can create anxiety without prepped answers – leading with language that resonates within their experience sets them up better with resilience regarding future reporting.
Teaching them how to be prepared
It’s important to talk to your family about what you believe about Jesus’ return and how to prepare for it. This does not need to be a morbid topic of conversation but rather an optimistic discussion of ways your family can respond to such a momentous event. You may want to focus on helping them develop attitudes and behaviors to help them survive any disruption or chaos that might arise before or after Jesus returns.
Some topics you may want to cover include:
- Why being prepared is important
- What items are necessary for survival
- Ways they can collect, store, and conserve supplies
- How should they respond if the power goes out or communication systems fail
- How to maintain a positive attitude and outlook even in difficult times
- Developing skills for self-sufficiency, such as gardening, hunting, and basic medical care
- Teaching them financial literacy, so they know how to manage money wisely in any economy
- Discussing what types of relationships will be important should conditions become extreme
You may also want to ensure that your children are familiar with the signs of the times by discussing upcoming biblical events described in scripture. The bottom line is that each family member must know how to take care of themselves and each other in any situation. By talking through these topics with your children now, you are helping them become better prepared for whatever lies ahead.
Encouraging them to have faith
Your children must understand that faith in Jesus is the only path to salvation. However, having faith is not about living in fear of judgment or trying to be good enough for God to accept us. It’s about trusting God and having a personal relationship with Him based on love and forgiveness rather than fear and guilt.
To this end, you should encourage your children to have a personal relationship with Jesus by teaching them Bible stories and praying together regularly. Please encourage them to ask questions, create a positive environment to explore their faith, and seek guidance when needed.
Talk to your kids about their fears or doubts, and try to explain why nothing can separate them from the love of God. Ensure they understand that although we do our best to live according to God’s principles, He still loves us unconditionally despite our flaws and mistakes. They should know that no matter what kind of hardships come their way in life, as long as they seek refuge in Him through prayer, He will never leave them nor forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Finally, help your kids learn how to put their faith into action daily – through humble prayer, acts of service, and speaking out for justice – this is how our testimonies will bear witness in these latter days!
Practical Tips
The end times can be a confusing and dangerous time to navigate. To make sure your family survives the end times, it’s important to have a plan in place. This section will provide practical tips for moms on how to prepare for Jesus’ return. We’ll discuss everything from gathering supplies to learning how to protect yourself and your family. Let’s get started.
Creating an emergency kit
An effective emergency kit can mean the difference between surviving and not in a disaster. For those of us preparing for Jesus’ return, having an emergency kit is even more critical. When creating your survival toolkit, here are some items to include in your plan:
- Essentials: Ensure you have enough water, food, and supplies to last up to four weeks, including a flashlight and basic first-aid items like bandages and antiseptic.
- Clothing: Pack comfortable clothes that you can layer for warmth and a set of rain gear. Changes in clothes will come in handy if you need to shelter in place for an extended period of time.
- Weapons/Safety Equipment: Depending on state laws, it’s important to consider bringing weapons like guns or crossbows and safety equipment such as helmets or body armor.
- Fuels/Tools/Light Sources: Keep fuel sources such as propane tanks, wood stoves, or gas lanterns handy, along with tools like axes or saws, flashlights, and matches or lighters.
- Communications: Have several ways to securely communicate with family members in your kits, such as cell phones, radios, satellite phones, and walkie-talkies. You’ll also want at least one area map updated with all major streets and highways marked clearly.
- Personal Items/Hygiene Products: Make sure each family member has key personal items necessary for any long-term survival, such as vaccination records and contact information for local churches or support groups. Don’t forget basic hygiene products like OTC medicine (ibuprofen & acetaminophen), toiletries & feminine hygiene supplies too!
Learning survival skills

In the face of widespread uncertainty and fear, it’s important to understand the basics of survival skills. Without the proper knowledge, you won’t be able to prepare effectively for Christ’s return.
One of the most essential survival skills is learning how to build basic shelters. You should become familiar with building different types of temporary shelters, such as lean-tos, tipis, and debris huts. Knowing how to construct a shelter quickly and with minimal resources can save your family in a pinch.
Another fundamental skill is collecting water. Being able to source clean water can make all the difference when no drinking sources are available from outside sources. As part of this, you should also learn how to purify water using natural means like boiling and using natural filters – some examples include using sand or charcoal as well as filtering through a cloth or a t-shirt.
You may want to explore foraging for food; however, if fresh food isn’t an option, it’s best to familiarize yourself with hunting and fishing skills. If meat isn’t available, learn about plants suitable for edible purposes, such as nuts and flowers, that provide decent dietary sustenance while not putting your health at risk due to poisonous parts or other harmful substances when ingested raw.
Finally, equip yourself with techniques that can aid in navigating unfamiliar terrain allowing passage over difficult obstacles like rivers, mountains, or deep valleys, which might otherwise become impassable barriers between you and your destination. Whether it be orienteering, raft building, or even endurance walking possessing knowledge in these areas can help long-distance bridge gaps efficiently and safely during travel times resulting in an improved quality of life even before Jesus’ return!
Building a network of support
When the end times approach, it’s important to have a community of believers to rely on. Joining a local church is a great way to find people who share your faith and values and who can provide support as you prepare for the coming of Jesus.
If you don’t feel welcomed by a local congregation, look for other ways to build supportive relationships. Try forming a study group at home or attending virtual Bible studies online. Consider making prayer partners with family and friends to stay connected even when you are not in the same physical space.
Connect with churches beyond your local area as well: you might find other members of your denomination or church tradition who can provide support and advice. Finally, get involved in organizations or ministries that share your beliefs. These groups can be powerful outlets for service in this tumultuous time and places where we can draw strength from others who are navigating difficult times too. Taking action together in our communities – such as providing tangible help for those most affected by natural disasters –can be a deeply fulfilling and faith-building experience, even in chaotic circumstances.