This movie is very good. It keeps you on your toes. Any parent can possibly relate to this woman’s feelings if they have ever had to “share” their child with someone else, i.e. their ex-spouse,etc.
I couldn’t imagine losing my kids and not knowing where they were at. I do declare that it would cause me to go insane. I keep a close eye on my kids when they go out with me somewhere all the time. However, I also realize how quickly something can happen in today’s society.
When I was growing up, it wasn’t nearly as dangerous at all. I remember running the roads on my horse with my dog all the time. Of course, my dog did get shot and killed protecting me due to someone trying to harm me (another long story for another day), but we knew who was doing it. It wasn’t a stranger doing it all.
Sometimes as parents we do become overly protective. At least, I know I’m guilty of it. As they get older, I do let them spread their wings a bit more despite my fears. I’ve had so much happen to me in my life, that I definitely don’t want any of it to happen to my own kids. I do know though that I can’t shield them from everything.
I recommend if this movie comes back on Lifetime it would be a good movie to watch. I’m afraid of saying to much about this movie for fear of giving away to many details.
You have won an award!!
I really liked this movie! It’s very interesting!
I recommend it to everyone