Taking Control – Organization Ideas for Dedicated Fashionistas

Keeping a bedroom neat and tidy is easy to do when there isn’t that much stuff to make room for. Sadly for fashionistas around the world, this is the challenge of the century. Between shoes, bags, belts and all those gorgeous garments, the average fashion savvy woman has minimal storage space for a maxed-out collection.

All those stunning pieces begging for us to display them, how do we keep them all in order? Organizing closets and wardrobes is the best way. Designating a place for everything will not only make pieces easy to find, but done properly can also create an incredibly beautiful décor element in the bedroom.

Step One – Purge

For women who love clothes, chances are there are a lot of them to begin with. One of the most important things to do when organizing a wardrobe, closet or chest of drawers is to go through everything and discard any pieces that you haven’t used in a year. This one-year rule may seem harsh, but your collection will stay looking fresh and your bedroom tidier if you apply it.

Step Two – Take an Inventory

Going through an entire room’s worth of clothes is an eye opener. Often you’ll discover (or re-discover) of pieces that you’d had tucked away in the back of a wardrobe or behind a set of drawers for years and forgotten all about. Taking stock of what you’ve already got is a wonderful way to come up with new outfit ideas, experiment with interesting combinations, and provide an idea of what may be missing from a collection.

Step Three – Organize

This one may seem basic but once you’ve got a comprehensive knowledge of what already exists in a wardrobe, it’s time to put each item in its proper place. Consider how you use certain items. For some, separating items by season is the way to ensure things stay neat and tidy — when summer rolls around, you can pack away the winter wear in boxes under the bed so that summer pieces are easier to access and keep track of. Invest in good containers whether they’re for shoe, handbag or jewelry storage and think about the elements you may want to turn into a design feature in the bedroom.

Making sure everything has a place in a bedroom will make your unruly wardrobe more manageable. Chucking out the old stuff, jotting down the pieces you have, and then instilling some sort of order will help you to look after all of these beautiful items properly and rotate them. Your look will be fresh and fierce, and all because of some simple tidying up!

 What are you best ways to stay organized? 

Disclosure: Image courtesy of [Carlos Porto] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net



Home Improvement

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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