Techno Gears Marble Mania Vortex 2.0 Review

We were given the chance to review the Techno Gears Marble Mania Vortex 2.0 Construction Setir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00GB36A7W to review in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped our opinion of this product.

I applied several times to do a review of the Vortex Marble Mania kits because I knew how much Del and the boys love to put things together. Del use to have very similar toys growing up as a kid and according to him and his mom he would spend hours playing with them.

When this box arrived Del was like a little kid at Christmas. He put claims on this himself. The first chance he got to set up and make this he did it. It ended up being a family event to put this together. The kids handed Del all the pieces he needed as he needed them. This product is actually supposed to be for kids ages 8-15. I think my husband just wanted to feel like a kid again.

The pieces are organized nice and neat in little bags. All of the pieces each have their perspective numbers on them. Beware though some of them have the same number, but come in different colors. It is best to follow the directions the first time through at least. It took us over an hour to put this together. It probably would have been a lot quicker had Del just done it by himself, but the kids wanted to help. So, they each took turns giving him the needed pieces.

Here is the final project. Del stated that some of the pieces feel very weak when you’re trying to put it together. He also stated that they really should have had more support to help hold them up.

Here is a very short video of us playing with it once it’s finally put together.

You can purchase this set for around $60.00 depending on where you get it. Personally after spending all the time putting it together and just watching the marble go around and around on the course, I wasn’t overly impressed. My kids have not requested to play with it at all. They saw what it did and enjoyed it for the length of my video. It has literally just sat in the man cave since we put it together untouched. I’m not sure what could have been done to make this more appealing for kids, but I was disappointed. At least we had fun putting it together as a family.

If you have someone who likes to watch marbles going on a course multiple times then this would be a great gift for them. There are plenty of people who do find enjoyment doing that. It does have a soothing effect when you watch it long enough. I personally love the colors used on this creation a lot. I feel that if it was made to hold bigger marbles that we could see from a distance going on the course that would also add to the appeal.

The Learning Journey has some awesome looking courses on their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Do you have someone in your family who would enjoy this? 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “Techno Gears Marble Mania Vortex 2.0 Review”

  1. That looks awesome- thanks for the video. i was just telling my 2 little ones about how i used to play with marbles when i was young and they did not have a clue what a marble was. nice to see a marble game.

    • I’m glad you enjoyed the little video. I’m not one to take videos that often, but I am trying to get into it more. Thank you for stopping by and checking it all out.

  2. This looks really neat! I agree it could get repetitive after being played with for a while, but my son would love to set it up. He loves anything he can build!


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