The Dream Wedding

Many people dream about their dream wedding from the time they are a young child. I am no different. Come to find out Del wasn’t either, and it shocked me to hear that the other night. After reading For Her Eyes Only I really should not have been all that surprised.

My dream wedding I felt was pretty unique. I had the perfect dress picked out from Sheplers western wear. (Now they no longer sell it which is quite disappointing.)  I do have a dress to use for a wedding if I ever get small enough to fit into it. Ironically, I had bought it with the idea of marrying Del in it, but that ended up not happening. I’ve only worn it once in my life, and that was solely to help out a best friend in need. I’ve been toting it around since 1998 and making sure it stays in good condition. (Yes, I had it available for two other weddings but refused to wear it for them!!)

I had this dream of riding Tripp and Del riding Lance, my mom’s horse, up to the back of wagon with the preacher on it ready to unite us as husband and wife. We were going to get married at one of the parks that my mom and I went to for our organized trail rides with their beautiful setting. Then we were going to have a BBQ reception at the place where they held their Saturday night dances. (Also where Del and I shared our first real dance together.)

No wedding is complete without the wedding photographer raleigh . All of those memories would have been well worth remembering. I messed all of that up for us by becoming the runaway bride long before he wedding got to take place on July 19, 1998.

There are so many times I wish I could create the wedding of our dreams just so he would know how much he matters to me. A person can’t change the past. I don’t know why I want to create a dream wedding that is from our past. Yet, I do because it matters so much to me, and I honesty believe it does to him as well. He loved the day we got married, but he also longed for that romantic wedding for the whole world to see us finally get it right.

Did you get your fantasy wedding??

If you didn’t, do you still long to have it?

I’d love to hear about your dream wedding!!





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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