The #LearntoBlog Online Blog Class Review

I was given this class to review in exchange for many other things, one of which was an honest blog review from Kelli and Crystal, but that in no way shaped my opinion of this class. 

I have stressed here before that I have taken many blogging courses and read many blogging books. Despite all of those things drilling many wonderful bits of knowledge in my head, all of that knowledge really does me absolutely no good unless I implement them on my blog. I’ve tried every method under the sun to implement a dab of information from all the wonderful resources I’ve found online to make my own method that would work. I’ve begun to feel like Thomas Edison. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot from the #LearntoBlog Online Blog Class, and gained enough of a kick in the behind to actually start implementing these lessons learned on my blog.

This is their overview of what you get when you take their class.

Online Blog Class

During this four week session you will learn:

  • how to find blogging topics based on your traffic
  • how to write a blog post that brings traffic
  • how to promote posts for optimized traffic
  • how to use old content to make new content
  • learn what a blog tribe looks like and the keys for running one successfully
  • you will gain social media exposure
  • you will learn how to authentically network with other bloggers
  • there will be an opportunity to walk away from this conference with a developed blogging tribe and/or the knowledge to start one yourself

They use their software (I’m not saying what it is, you have to take the class to find out) and they give you three keywords to focus on with your blog during your class and in the coming months. For me, Kelli & Crystal chose keywords that I can use later on in the year because they knew what my schedule looked like during their course and October. I’m not going to see an immediately big change in my traffic for that reason.

They make sure to help you with marketing properly and in a manner that is manageable on a daily basis. They give you their methods that they do. For me personally, that was a huge blessing. (To say I’ve been doing them, I’d be lying. I need to get more focused on doing my tasks at hand that need to be done.)

They also tell you another big important tool and why it’s so important. It truly does make a difference. I have only done ONE of those handy secrets and I can see my traffic is gravitating towards it. I know it works. (The big thing is it’s not a keyword I was known for either.) That tells me that when I take the time to create that handy tool for keywords I am known for that I’m going to see a nice increase.

They also gave me a website critique complete with instructions on what I need to fix. We have our own Facebook group to ask questions and get help from them and our fellow classmates. We also leave that class with the chance of making a blogging tribe, which is really a very valuable thing to have as a blogger.

[Tweet “#LearntoBlog Online Blog Class is here to help you gain ORGANIC traffic. #TidbitsThursday”]

This is a four week long class that cost $100.00. You have to apply to get in it. Your blog has to be at least 3 months old and have content on it.Overall, this class is well worth taking. As a student though, you gain from it what you put into it. If you’re a veteran blogger who is already doing well with receiving ORGANIC traffic then this class is NOT for you. (Update: Judging from the vast amount of comments I received from this statement, I guess I was WRONG! Regardless of your blogging level you’ll still benefit from taking this class.)  To me, it’s perfect for someone who is just starting out or like me and not getting organic traffic. Below is proof that it works!

Do you see this class benefiting you? 





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

31 comments on “The #LearntoBlog Online Blog Class Review”

    • That’s proof with me only doing ONE tiny little improvement that they suggested. I can’t wait to see what happens when I have more time to focus on doing the other things they instructed us to do. (Once I get a LONG list of posts written and scheduled that is what I will be working on next.)

  1. Personally, I don’t think the class is for me BUT like you, there is a lot I’ve learned and have yet to put into practice. This would be a great class for someone who is ready to go from part time to full time blogger.

    • As Kelli pointed out in her comment, there have been successful bloggers who have gained even more insight to make their blogging career go to the next level. I wasn’t aware of that fact.

  2. Actually, we have had folks take the class that have been blogging for years and year – who get great organic traffic and STILL saw an increase by applying our methods. Because the class is so personalized for each person taking it, bloggers of all levels benefit 🙂

  3. I cannot say enough about this class. I have doubled my pageviews and more since taking the class. They are more consistent, as well. I learned so much from them that it is hard to put it in words. I still have a long way to go from where I am to where I want to be, but at least I am better equipped to do it!

    • I feel like this class is well worth taking that’s for sure. Like you, I still have many “homework” assignments left to do before I can say I’ve taken full advantage of this class.

  4. Crystal! I love your theme ! Same as mine 🙂
    I took the class, last year and it was so wonderful and informative.
    I would think that any blog of any age would benefit from it, although, one needs to have enough content so they can help you. Frankly, I am thinking of taking it again, after the first of the year, because things are always changing and Crystal and Kelli keep up with all of it. 🙂

    • You’re right Kelli and Crystal do a remarkable job of keeping up with the latest and greatest in the blogging world. Thank you for the compliment. I do love this theme even if it has become widely popular.

  5. I think getting new traffic on old posts is useful to all bloggers! Not every post is still relevant a year later, but plenty can continue to be good sources of traffic.

  6. All I’m waiting for is to have the funds available. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this class and I think I could definitely benefit from it. Even just signing up for the VIP Forums has helped.

    • Kori,

      I love the VIP Forum. It definitely is an awesome place to be. I totally recommend getting the funds to take this class.

  7. No, no, no, you DO want to take this class if you’re already getting organic search engine traffic because we teach you ways to amplify that and turn it into even more. Honestly, someone who gets lots of great search quire in their Webmaster Tools we can help even more. We are growing off of momentum you’ve already created and that the search engine results already see you as having authority on.

    I am so impressed with your results, Crystal, especially knowing that you still have more to apply from the class. I cannot wait to see what your analytics and Webmaster Tool results show after all of the homework is done! A 63% increase in pageviews is awesome! I want to see a comparison of your organic search traffic results after you apply everything from the class. Or at least after you create each of the three landing pages we talked about with steady new content being created for those keywords.

    • I’m excited by the improvements too. I am eager to do the assignments. I hope to finish at least another one this week. I am enjoying everything I’ve learned from you ladies and value all that you have taught of us.

  8. Congratulations on your growth and success Crystal!!! You are walking proof that Crystal and Kelli know what they are doing 🙂

    I took the class over the summer and have a full time blog that I have been running for several years now. They taught me so much, helped me streamline things, and pay attention to details that I was leaving out in the hustle and bustle of things as well as focus on my weaknesses. In a few short months my page views have tripled into the three hundred thousand range and I I owe it all to their class. I still have many things to implement myself from my homework since there are only so many hours in a day but I try to go down my to do list weekly and am slowly chipping away at it. Their class is worth every penny for both the new bloggers as well as the veterans and full time business bloggers alike. There are always new things to learn and let’s face it none of us know everything about everything so classes from wonderful ladies like these are such an important tool in growing and learning.

    • Jill,

      I’m glad that you benefited from taking the class even though you’ve been successful with organic search traffic too. I’m in total agreement that there is always something to learn that’s why I love to do research for my #TidbitsThursday posts.

      I am eager to finish my homework assignments, but I have other tasks that have to be finished first. I know I’ll see some awesome results.

  9. I so want to take this class. My life is in flux right now, so I am hoping maybe the spring? How many hours a week did it take you to do the class?

  10. I would love to take the class. How many hours and where do you sign up? It may be after the holidays, but if the hours aren’t overwhelming, then perhaps I could get it in before the holidays.

    Thank you,

    • Clearissa,

      You are given an hour worth of live class each week. Then you have homework based off of what you need to do on your own blog. Personally, I’m STILL working on my homework because in all of the three years of doing this blog I have never once dug in and cared about really focusing on my SEO AT ALL! You can go sign up for it here —–> .

  11. I want to take this class so bad!! I love Crystal and Kelli– they’re passionate about blogging and sincerely want to help others learn how to blog successfully, too.

  12. Coming over from the Learn To Blog – Blog Post Party. Thank you for sharing this review. I have been debating about taking a class or not, and if so what I should take. This has been very helpful.

    • I’m very glad to hear that this review has been very helpful. I think the comments from others who have taken it has been just as informative as my review. I hope you’ll seriously consider taking the class.

  13. I took this class the minute I decided to jump in full time. I was watching their videos for a few months, and a lot was foreign to me. I still have a lot to learn but can’t even tell you the value I have got out of it along with the vip forum. It is the best money I have spent so far on my blog.


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