The Peppermint Essential Oil Attack

Our household has another family favorite item! I’ve mentioned many times how much I love to have a house that smells really good. I literally have candles and lighters all over my house. However, now that we have Romeo (our cat) and Zeva has become more of a monkey, I worry about them turning the candles over and hurting themselves and burning our house down. For these reasons, when I was given the chance to try the Mini Aroma Diffuser machine to review through Tomoson from the company. I was super excited.

Little did I know how much of a positive impact it would make in the way our home smells! If you have cats you know how difficult it can be to keep the scent of the cat litter box under control (even with changing it every day—like we do!) I ordered the Aromatherapy Top 6 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Basic Sampler Essential Oil Gift Set to try out the Mini Aroma Diffuser at home. I’m glad I did because it came with the wonderful Peppermint scent that Del seems to love dearly. It’s become a joke now when we walk into our home and spell peppermint. We say, “Daddy’s went on a peppermint attack.”

We put this Mini Aroma Diffuserir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00CKE8AII in the center of our home, and it literally covers our entire home which is around 1400 square feet total with whatever scent we use in the diffuser. Let me tell you a little bit of the essential oils goes a LONG ways. It is now a family joke that Del and Romeo fight over who this gadget belongs too. Romeo can never resist putting his nose in the mist and smelling it and he takes his paws and plays in the mist.

This diffuser comes equipped with lights that can change colors. I love that feature because I love colored lights. At night it’s perfect for making the room gain that romantic feeling with a nice scent to boot.

I never realized the benefits to essential oils being used in a home until now. Now, I’m on this bandwagon with the rest of essential oil lovers. I can’t wait to explore the other scents and benefits of using them.  The Aroma Blog gives a great list of the benefits of essential oils on her page.

I’d love to pick your brain for a change. What is your favorite essential oil and why?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

38 comments on “The Peppermint Essential Oil Attack”

  1. Oh wow I have to try those! I usually get mine from Bath and Body Works, but I’m bored with them now. I’m going to check them out now. Thanks so much for sharing this. I love when my house smells like something you would want to eat!

    • It seems to give me an extra pep in my step and a boast of energy. It’s almost like it’s giving off a “fresh start” feeling.

  2. I love essential oils and with the upcoming holidays Peppermint would be the perfect scent to get for our home. I’ll have to check these out.

    • I have to agree it really is. The candles only cover the room I’m in and only small portions of it. Not to mention the safety bit again. This small little buggers gets my ENTIRE house. (How it gets into every room is beyond me, but it truly really does when we put it in the center of our home.)

  3. Wow, I could go all hour, because I have a lot of favorites. My favorite essential oil for fragrance purposes is Jasmine, but authentic Jasmine essential oil is not only rare, but it also expensive due to its rarity. For skincare purposes, I love Immortelle (great for anti-aging) and White Thyme (great for acne prone skin). Another favorite of mine is Rosemary – it works wonderfully for my adult ADD, which I don’t take medication for. 🙂

  4. I just ordered my first essential oils that should be here by the middle of next week… I got I Bergamot and
    Slenderize. I’ll let you know how I like them after I’ve tried them. 🙂

  5. I love vanilla — something about it is restful and comforting to me. Although I wouldn’t object to mint or citris, either!

  6. I’m not knowledgeable about essential oils. I see them everywhere, and all I hear makes it sound like there’s an oil for everything. I really should try them.

    • That’s why I was so eager to try this product. I had seen them EVERYWHERE too. So far, I had heard nothing but positive things about it.

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