Think Like A Man- Movie Review

I enjoyed this movie. It was great for a couple of laughs. (I highly recommend that young kids are not in the room while you watch it.) This movie has a lot of the same things that have been portrayed in other movies like it. So in my book, it felt like a remake of other similar movies.

Here is the book that started all the “drama” in the movie. I’m sure that the book is a good read, and holds some truth to it. After all, men and women do definitely think differently about all things in life. However, when you are acting like someone your NOT to gain a person in your life, trust me when I say it only leads to trouble later on.
My mom use to always act one way while she was dating someone and then when she got married, she reverted to her normal self. The men would ask me what happened. My mom wanted me to play similar games with men when I was dating them, and it use to cause major wars between her and I. She never understood why I didn’t hide who I am. If a man couldn’t handle me having my behind covered in horse hairs because I had just got done riding bareback, then he definitely couldn’t handle me. If a man couldn’t handle the fact that I was covered in sweat and hay because I had just unloaded over 500 bales of hay and put them in the barn, then he couldn’t handle me. I hardly ever wear makeup, and when I do, most people don’t even notice I have it on because I just wear it to high light certain features. I pursue the dreams that matter to me. I’m far from perfect!! However, God only made ONE me, and no one else can be ME.
This movie was a great movie and I’m not going to tell you how it all ended. However, in real life, when you play games or be anything other than who you truly were born to be, then your not giving the person your dating (and/or married to) what they truly deserve. Through living a life of having to hide so many dark secrets (growing up), I’ve learned that the best way to live and be is with no secrets. If a person can’t be who they are all the time, then they are truly only hurting themselves.
I do like this movie, and do still recommend it. I just had to throw my two cents out there. I will most likely pick up the book as well just because I enjoy reading those types of books.



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

1 thought on “Think Like A Man- Movie Review”

  1. I haven’t seen this movie yet, but I want to because a co-worker at Dish recommended it to me. I’m a fan of Steve Harvey, but I’m not sure how he is as a writer. I’m going to add this movie to the top of my Blockbuster @home DVD list. I have another rental at home that was pretty bad, and want to watch a good movie for the long weekend. I will return my old rental to the store, and pick this movie up for free. Thanks for the review, I can’t wait to see this


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