TidbitsThursday Tidbits of Blogger Advice

Once you get hooked on blogging, it can quickly turn into far more than just a hobby. If you make the change to blogging being a side source of income there are some things that you may want to consider adding to your resources.

Getting Started

  1. Enhance your blog page! I have suggested it many times over. Consider using Momwebs.com service. They have a package for anyone’s needs. They helped me make the switch from Blogger to WordPress. That was the best decision I have made yet in my blogging ventures.
  2. I recommend that you consider also joining Solosmarts . They offer so many different classes that will help you grow as a blogger and a person!! I know I’m being stretched beyond my expectations with their Stretch Yourself Challenge I’m in right with them. I’m also a part of Kelly’s Internship as well, and I feel like I’m in school all over again. Mind you, I’m not complaining though.
  3. I also recommend going to YouTube and watching some of the many blogging videos on there. I highly recommend that you subscribe to  Holly Homer . She often has many Google + hangouts with very successful bloggers.

Getting the Business Details Ready

  1. You need to install WordPress’s Editorial Calendar Plugin . This plugin is a life saver for many bloggers because it lets you put everything in a true calendar visual version. I have been using a regular planner that I got from the store. It’s not the same as having the time frame in front of me in calendar form once I have my posts ready to make them live.
  2. You also need to get all of your business expenses in order. That will make it easier when you want to considering hiring an accountant. There are many things that are tax deductibles when it comes to blogging. Don’t forget that your products that you receive for review do count towards income.

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Gaining Traffic

  1. Don’t think it’s going to happen overnight!
  2. Remember if you want friends (followers) you have to be one first. (My mom use to tell me if you want mail to be in the mailbox you have to send off mail first.)
  3. Remember who your audience is all the time. (I’m still learning this one because I cover so many topics and honestly feel like I have audiences from all over!)
  4. The biggest trick I’ve learned is the more time you put into social media outlets and other bloggers pages the more traffic your own page will gain.


If your a blogger, what is some of the best advice you can give a newbie?

What advise do you have to share an advanced blogger?







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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “TidbitsThursday Tidbits of Blogger Advice”

  1. For people just starting out, I’d say the very first thing to do is start writing content. Don’t worry about follows, don’t worry about what it looks like. Just start writing. You can always go back and re-edit those first posts to make them look right and be google friendly.

    Until you figure it out, just… write. Write every day, whether you feel like it or not. Write, even if you don’t post it. Write until it feels natural to sit down at the keyboard and let your words flow.

    Everything I read on blogging and gaining followers starts with the same thing. YOU HAVE to have quality content.

    • I agree wholeheartedly. I guess I didn’t cover all of that because the Solosmarts program does a good job of covering all the finer details. 🙂

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