#TidbitsThursday for 11/21/2013

#Tidbits Thursdays are my blog post that I have set aside to share my tidbits of things that I don’t get to share in my other blog posts. However, I’ve also started the trend of sharing some great blog posts that I’ve found that have helped my blogging journey along the way.

Little Tidbits From Our Life

We’ve been sick as all get out in our home. I don’t know what the hang has gotten us sick, but we’ve been cough, hacking, and sneezing like crazy. I’ve personally been living with a major headache and a half lately that has been making my head feel like it’s going to explode with one more loud noise. That doesn’t go well with my little Fuss Box. However, we are slowly but surely getting better with each passing day. So, I can’t complain. I can be grateful that we are improving!

My laptop’s webcam and mic decided it didn’t want to work anymore. So, I don’t have all the things that I’ve had saved and set aside anymore because they didn’t transfer over to this laptop. (Which I found odd because Chrome has been transferring my information to my desktop with ease.) It feels awkward doing things on my old laptop now. I’m actually remembering why I fell in love with it in the first place.

I’ve got my #GiftReadyGuide going. I can’t believe how much fun it was. I think in 2014 I’ll do things a bit differently. However, I know what my plans are now. So, I am even more eager for next year’s #GiftReadyGuide. However, I’m ready to fully enjoy 2014 to the fullest and am really in no hurry to see it end.

Blogging Tips

I’ve already talked about Pinterest in my one of my other #TidbitsThursdays post. However, now you can find out the source from where your popularity came from off of Pinterest. Plus in doing so, you’ll also find some other amazing bloggers and people who are worth getting to know. After all, they know good content when they see it, right?

I’ve been following Dollar and Roses income reports for a while now. They haven’t posted one for October yet, but their information that they have already posted is quite helpful. Plus they also have podcasts that are interesting to listen too. You should also check out their 24 Tools to Grow Your Blog list. It’s quite detailed and definitely something worth considering doing. I may have to bite the bullet and do some of these things too.


Also consider signing up for the 2014 Blogging Challenge. This going to be a massive thing. I believe it will help all of us gain more traffic to our blogs if we all stick with it and help each other out in all of our ha, ha spare time. The challenge is to write a blog post twice a month about different topics. The #2014bloggerchallenge posts will go live during the 1st and the 3rd weeks of each month. Everyone who signs up will be sent an email with the post topics. The topic ideas are there to give you new ideas and encourage you to write about things you wouldn’t normally write about.

 All you have to do to get involved is leave a comment down below  or email me (anothergirlyblg@gmail.com) with your blog URL, email address and name so I can add you to the list of participants.
Let’s start 2014 with a bang and let’s see how many of you we can get involved with this challenge!! (sign up closes on the 9th December 2013 when the first topic will be sent out)


Another blogging suggestion I have is considering getting looking into Tmart WIFI Routers and Modems . Having a WIFI router makes life so much easier when you’re doing blogging work or any other type of work from home projects. I love the fact that I can do social media work on my tablets or even my cell phone and use my Internet that I have at home. I also use my laptops and even my Wii U to do all kinds of things too.

Also Consider Tmart.com For Holiday Shopping

Tmart.com actually offers a wide range of products that are worth mentioning. They provide quality products at a reasonable rate. They also have a quick turn around on shipping products to their customers. They also have a system where they give you items free depending on the amount of your order. They literally have something for everyone on your shopping list.

You can find a nice watch for your man. You can even find some really gorgeous unique rings on their site. If I had spent more time looking at that section I would have got several of them instead. They have many nice pieces of jewelry at a really reasonable rate.

If you want to go another route you can get someone on your list many accessories for their wardrobe. You can choose from wallets, sunglasses, and even shoes. They have a nice wide selection of handbags too. I personally would have a hard time choosing just one handbag from their collection.

If you really want to spice things up in your marriage they have lingerie in all different sizes and styles. I personally found several pieces that I feel would make a nice addition to my collection. Considering we have New Year’s Eve and shortly after that another Anniversary…my mind is definitely considering the possibilities. Of course, that isn’t the only time those little luxuries come out, but my mind most certainly goes in that direction on those special day.

You can check out all of these wonderful selections at Tmart.com. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google + and Pinterest.

Have you got all your Christmas shopping done? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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