#TidbitsThursday How to Get A Virtual Assistant in Time for #WritingDay

I have been working diligently on spending my time online wisely. I want to make sure that I do all I can to make my blog grow, but yet I want to have more of a family connection as much as  possible too.  That means, that if I want to take advantage of some great blogging promotion opportunities I need to schedule my blogging  time management a bit more wisely. One of those ways is to get a virtual assistant on board with helping me with all the behind the scenes activities involved in professional blogging.

I was asked, “How do I find a virtual assistant?” Prior to this past summer that answer would have been easy… ME. However, after taking a summer of trying to do nothing but virtual assistant work and little bit of blogging. I found out that my passion and true gifts do really belong in blogging.

Now if you’re a seasoned blogger, honestly I would suggest offering to teach a newbie blogger to do the things you do in exchange for them actually doing the work to promote your blog. This is basically an intern agreement. Granted it will take you time to teach the person wanting to learn it all the different tasks, but once you do teach them, they can be a very vital part of your success. Plus this same person can become a tribe mate member with you later on, and together you both work together to grow both of your blogs. You can also advertise on your blog that you’re looking for a virtual assistant to work with you.

If you don’t want to take the time to teach someone something, and you just want them to be able to dig right into working for you. Then I would suggest checking out some of the Facebook groups that have VA’s seeking work based off of what they can do.

Some of my top favorite Facebook VA groups:

VA For Hire and Pinterest-Friendly Content for Bloggers

Va’s Buy, Sell, & Barter Group

VA’s for Hire

There are places in the blogging  forums that I’ve mentioned a time or two at least that have sections for bloggers to advertise that they do virtual assistant work too.

You can also check on Twitter using the hashtag #virtualassistant.  There are even Twitter parties on Thursday 8-9pm and Monday 1-2 PM.

Those are my top suggestions on how to gain an assistant with your blogging career.

There are some big blogging events coming up online that I’m super excited about. The first one is #WritingDay on September 6th, 2014. This is just  a day where you dedicate 1-3 hours of your day to writing and then you jump into the Google hangout and other forms of promotion in sharing what you’re working on.

The next event is throughout the month of October is The Blogathon Games. This is event is where you can gain points and prizes for doing things that will help you and your blog group. Plus I love all of the Blog-A-Thon group members I’ve met through the years.

What blogging event are you wanting to be a part of that  having a virtual assistant on hand would allow you to do it? 


P.S. If you have a blogging question that you would like answered in one of my #TidbitsThursday posts please feel free to email me it @ tidbitsofexperience@gmail.com.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

33 comments on “#TidbitsThursday How to Get A Virtual Assistant in Time for #WritingDay”

  1. Hi Crystal! I’m so excited to see that you’re joining me for National Writing Date Day! I look forward to seeing you on the Hangout and to see what you’re up to. 🙂

  2. I could sure use a little help as it’s very hard doing it all on my own. I’ll definitely be checking out the groups above, thanks!

  3. I would like to attend food blogging conferences. Instead of a virtual assistant, though, I am trying to persuade my oldest child to work pro bono for me. It doesn’t look like it is going to happen. 🙁

    • I could sure help you find one Vanessa 🙂 and to you Crystal thanks for putting this topic to the spotlight. VAs can really help you save time and lots of money. You can delegate tasks to them that are very important yet daunting at times. I’d love to help you guys learn more about VAs and how to work with them.


    • It’s getting to the point that most bloggers who really want to make this a career has to have a Virtual Assistant. I haven’t paid for one YET, but it definitely something I’m going to have to consider budgeting into my budget each month. I like to have my extra flow of cash in case something happens that I’m not prepared for.

  4. I would love to hire a VA to do my social media, but not sure if it’s in my budget, yet. I need to spend more time with my family and the social media sharing, etc. is what’s taking up so much of my time.

    • Social Media is definitely a time sucker for sure. 🙂 I end up getting wrapped up in doing way more than I planned on doing when I dip into them.

  5. I found this to be extremely helpful, as blogging as been a bit overwhelming lately. I hate to count how many writing projects I have to do! I’d like to spend more time with my family.

  6. Thank you for sharing your insights and tips when looking to find a virtual assistant. Sometimes with the cyber world being so large it can become overwhelming to find the right person that you just click with and can trust with parts of your business. Pinning this article 🙂

    • Jill,
      You’re welcome. I have to agree it is hard to find someone you can trust with your material. I actually know quite a few good virtual assistants that are close friends of mine. I just didn’t want to directly broadcast their information in a blog post and have them get overloaded. If you want me to refer your information to them I can.

    • I thought this was the first year for the Blog-A-Thon Games, but either way I’m excited to be able to take part in it this year Lord willing!

  7. I think hiring a VA is a great idea for delegating time-consuming tasks, like promoting your blog through social media. I still really enjoy writing, so I want to be able to dedicate as much time to that as possible.

  8. I know I have wanted to find one, but at the same time hard to give up the control. I would like to eventually teach my daughter to help out. I like the idea of helping someone while they promote for you.

  9. Our daughter Kim is my VA but we’re fairly new at making our blog into a profitable business. I’ve been blogging for 5 years but just learned almost 2 years ago that folks were making a good income at this so I asked Kim to come on board with me and help me grow ‘our’ blog. She blogs also but put hers on hold to help me and we were off. I really don’t know how ladies blog with small kids … but even though ours are grown and we have grandkids and great grands, I still make time for my husband and our home a priority. I get up about 4am to begin my blogging work and I blog Monday thru Friday and then we do just a little extra work on Saturdays and try not to do much of anything blog wise on Sunday. But if it wasn’t for Kim and the behind the scenes work she does … I’d be up a creek without a boat 🙂

  10. I didn’t know about the writing date; however, I was really busy on Saturday with family concerns. I can’t wait until the Blogathan! It will be fun. I thought about being a VA– but have no time. I thought about hiring a VA, but don’t have much money right now.

  11. How sad that writing day passed and I had no idea. My sister helps out with my blog load, but it still isn’t enough. I really need someone else on board to review and help with answering emails. The problem is my high standards and lack of trust.

    • In our society today, I can understand the lack of trust bit. I have one VA that I just hired that has left a sour taste in my mouth so far, and I regret hiring her instead of going with my normal VA. However, I was trying to be helpful for her situation. Lesson learned, stick with the VA that has already proven her/his worth!

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