#TidbitsThursdays 11/14/2013

You are going to be bombarded with many blog posts from me from now until the end of the year. I have a lot to share with you, and honestly I can’t keep it on my typical schedule to meet the deadlines I have from companies. I want you to be able to take advantage of learning about these wonderful products and get the chance to win from the upcoming giveaways. Plus I’ve also had lot on my mind that is worth sharing too. I can’t just hand you a whole bunch of product reviews, sponsored posts, and giveaways.

Blogging Tips

I’ve been one hopping busy blogger all week so far. I’ve been itching to share this with you on my #TidbitsThursday blog since I’ve been in love with the things I’ve found. Remember how last week I mentioned I wanted to get more out of Pinterest? Guess what I’ve found….Pinwoot. It has the similar concept of JustRetweet. You can sign up for free, and gain Pinterest followers and get repins and more interaction on Pinterest. If you need help setting it up just reach out, and I’ll gladly walk you through it. It’s really easier than it may first appear. It’s worth the time and energy put into both of those programs.

If you want to find out what your number one mistake as a blogger is, you just might one to read this quick blog post. It definitely makes a blogger think about her actions. I ended up getting wrapped up in her blog for a period of time too because she has many resources on her blog that are worth checking out.

I’ve also found another neat thing that would make marketing your blog fun through this lovely bloggers review. I know many bloggers who are making a killing selling their brand logos from their blog. It’s definitely worth giving a try since it doesn’t cost anything to do it.

Blog Love

I actually had some time to dig into some blog reading this week. Normally I’m stuck only being able to do it on the weekends, but since Del was miraculously off Monday and Tuesday, I had two days of total bliss where I could roam the great wide web. (I probably should have been spending that time writing up all of these blog posts I have to get done, but I want to share my support to other amazing bloggers too.)

Not only do I love to write about marriage and sex, but I also love to read what other bloggers and experts have to say on the topic too. I’ve stressed on the topic of seducing your husband on a few of my blog posts, but Sherry’s post gives some ideas and some even further research about seducing our husbands. It’s definitely a good post worth reading.

Ngina crammed a whole bunch of remarkable blog posts with her top comments from each one on one nice and neat blog post entitled 21 Marriage Insights From Readers (2013). That post kept me busy for a while, but it was a fun kind of busy.

There have been many more wonderful blogs that I’ve come across this week too, but it’s hard to mention all of them. More will come next week because I’ll do a better job of storing them.

Tell me what has your week been like? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “#TidbitsThursdays 11/14/2013”

  1. I have heard of Pinwoot, but I’ve never really looked into it. I’ve got to do that!! I’m so behind on things like this!! I need to get on the ball! I’ll turn to you for help if I get in over my head with Pinwoot!! –Lisa

    • I’m here if you need me. I’m online a lot more than I like some days. 🙂 However, I also love it at the same time. I’ve been making more time to unplug though too. Pinwoot has definitely made a positive difference for me.

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