#TidbitsThursday Blogging Tips and Tricks From Me

It’s Thursday again already. Time sure is flying by on me at a rapid pace. What about for you?

This weeks #TidbitsThursday is about some more blogging tips and tricks that I’ve found that may be of benefit to you. Lately, I’ve been running around the grand web trying to find some awesome new tricks of the trade that haven’t been mentioned a lot or that I haven’t shared with you already. Then I realized that I’ve got some of my own tricks that are worth mentioning.

Blogging Tips and Tricks Tidbits of Experience Style

1) Take advantage of blog prompt challenges. There are many groups out there that provide you with blogging prompts for a given month. Right now, I’m trying like crazy to focus on the NaBloPoMo from BlogHer . I also am interested in trying out SITS Girls March writing prompts too, but I haven’t dug into those yet. Of course, there’s the Blog Dare writing prompts that I’ve already done a few posts on. All of these programs are a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers. It also increases your traffic and helps you to create posts that aren’t sponsored in some form too. I find that I really need this type of pressure to write beyond just what is expected of me.

2.) Take advantage of all the free classes/hangouts for more blogging tips and tricks that are available on the web. There are plenty of free classes that will teach you a lot about blogging online. I’ve mentioned Learn to Blog Hangouts with Kelli and Crystal what feels like a thousand times, but they are extremely helpful! I LOVE and I mean LOVE Smart Passive Income’s hangouts and podcasts.

3.) Join Facebook Blogging Groups. There are plenty of awesome Facebook groups created for bloggers. All of them will be beneficial in helping you get those answers you may be lacking or needing. I won’t even begin to express how helpful they are in promoting your blog, social media, and other types of promotions. There are so many of them that it’s really hard to choose the best ones that are going to give you the most back for your time spent in activities with them. In this category it’s really up to you to decide which group will fit your needs the most. Just go to the search bar and type in ‘blogging groups’ and dig in.

4.) Invest in some programs that are going to make your life easier. There are a lot of programs out there that are available for a blogger to use to make their life easier. I personally don’t spend very much money on my blog per month. I have set my budget to $80 a month including hosting. So, if I invest in something that isn’t worth those hard earned pennies I spent I cancel it.However, I do give some of these awesome programs a try from time to time.  I invested in the Pro version of NextScripts  so that I can be sure that all of my blog posts make it to Pinterest and Google+ at the time my post is published. I always manage to forget to promote to those to networks, and I know that is holding me back quite a bit.

5) You can also invest in some one on one training. There are plenty of skillful bloggers, myself included, that are offering to help beginner bloggers to get their blogs to the next level. We’ll teach you everything we know and go through your website with you and give you pointers. This way you’re not having to spend hours reading and watching, and you can ask questions right away and get answers. I do provide a lot of blogging tips on my #TidbitsThursdays posts, but there is always so much more to it than what meets the eye. Feel free to email me at tidbitsofexperience@gmail.com to set up a one-on-one consultation with me. For $15.00 you can get one-on-one consultations going over your blog in full detail or for asking any questions you may have. 

What are some other blogging tips and tricks that you have to share with us? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

19 comments on “#TidbitsThursday Blogging Tips and Tricks From Me”

    • I have to agree that is where loads of support comes from for me. I am also a part of a remarkable forum groups that I love too, which I’ve mentioned too. 🙂

  1. Great info. I never knew about the Squirrly Plugin and this looks pretty interesting. Happy to find you and I’ll catch up via your Social Media, too.

    Thanks for linking to the Friday Pin Fest. I am helping co-host this month.

    Take care,

    • Thank you for stopping by Dana and commenting. It means a great deal to me. Sorry that it’s taken me this long to get back to replying to you. I have a strong love for Plugins! I tend to try out a bunch of them and then every couple of months, I get rid of the ones that aren’t really making a positive difference in the long run in my life. I’m also an addictive “blogging student” too.

  2. Thanks for linking up at the merry monday link party! We’re thrilled to have ya! LOVE THESE TIPS… I am going to employ some of them myself. xo, Treana

  3. Thanks for these. I confess to being in a couple of Facebook blogging groups, but never taking the time to join in or comment, so my new resolution is to start posting in the groups. So thanks for the reminder!

    • You’re welcome. I hope that you’ve checked out the other #TidbitsThursday posts too. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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