Tips For A Peaceful Mind: How To Start Your Journey Towards Mental Wellness

Ignorance of mental well-being for the longest time has resulted in a staggering increase in worldwide cases of a range of conditions such as stress, depression, anxiety, compulsive disorders and more.

Mental illness and suicide statistics suggest that 46% of people who died by suicide were suffering from some kind of mental disorder.

Let’s understand more about mental health and discuss a few tips to follow for a peaceful mind.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is the state of mind which affects how you think, feel and function. A mentally sound person enjoys an overall state of well-being which enables them to think and perceive clearly, helps them remain productive, and keeps them positive and confident about handling everyday stressful situations.

Factors Affecting Mental Health

Social Factors: Problems in interpersonal relationships, unacceptance, abuse, isolation, social prejudices, etc. can become the causes of mental disbalances. 

Physical Health Factors: Physical health has a direct relation with mental wellness. Almost one-third of people suffering from long-term chronic physical disorders experience depression.

Financial Factors: Lack of resources, low income & overspending can cause anxiety and depression. APA stress statistics show around 44% of people in America accepted money-related concerns as their number one source of stress. 

Environmental Factors: Exposure to addictive substances and stressful surroundings at work or home are also important factors that affect an individual’s mental health. 

Experiential Factors: Childhood trauma, loss of a loved one, toxic relationships, assault, discrimination, family conflicts and other such scarring experiences usually becomes the trigger to serious mental health problems.

Tips For Mental Wellness 

Take care of your physical health: Keep yourself physically active, exercise, go for a walk, or take up hobbies that involve physical drilling such as sports, dance, etc.

Keep socially active: Do not isolate yourself. Making and maintaining social connections help lower stress, anxiety, and loneliness, and elevate self-esteem. 

Eat healthy: Eating habits largely impact your overall health. Adopt a timely eating routine that involves a nutrient-rich balanced diet. 

Try yoga and meditation: Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises help align body, mind and soul that keep the system balanced and help achieve relaxation. 

Take out time for yourself: Take time out from work or studies to pursue leisure interests and hobbies. Invest time in what makes you feel happy and relaxed. Or be productive and learn a new skill. 

Don’t be too harsh on yourself: Self-talk can also help alleviate mental stress. Maintain a positive outlook. Don’t burden yourself with what is not in your control. You can even try writing a journal that will help you better understand yourself. 

Stay away from addiction: Addictive substances put unnecessary pressure on the mind and body. They are just temporary solutions and in fact, pose long-term physical & mental health risks. 

If you are suffering from mental health problems due to drug or alcohol addiction, check out the residential alcoholism treatment program in Seattle and take your first step toward recovery.

Follow scheduled living: Timely waking up, eating, sleeping and working and developing healthy habits are classic solutions to improve your mental health. It conserves energy and keeps you relaxed. 

Ask for help: Do not shy away from asking for help whenever you feel like it. Talk to your family, friends or people you find trustworthy about anything bothering you. 

You can also seek help from mental health experts and professionals if you think you are suffering from severe depression or distress. 


All of us are dealing with our own set of ups and downs in our daily lives, at work, school or in relationships, which puts us at varied risks of developing mental health issues. 

It is important to understand that mental illnesses are preventive and a little self-care can go a long way in doing that. 

Do not miss on even the little signs or triggers and practice self-coping strategies or seek professional therapy, whatever you deem necessary. 

After all a healthy mind is the key to a healthy life!



Mental Health

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I'm Jethro. I'm a carpenter, and love to build things! You can find me in the garage or at work most days of the week.My sister is Crystal, who you might know from this very blog. Her son Johnny loves video games just as much as I do - so we have a lot of fun playing together!

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