Tuesday Movie Review Is Back for 7/2/2013

I have finally got the chance to stock up on new releases on a Tuesday for my movie review post. We felt like a family on an adventure to another world today. It’s been pouring down rain ALL day long here. Del is finally OFF from everything. So, we’ve been watching movies with him and then the kids and I have been watching our own movies.

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We watched A Good Day to Die Hardir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BUADSMQ movie together as a family. It was a good movie to put an end to the Die Hard series. There was definitely A LOT of action and violence. That’s pretty much all the movie was! They did throw in a small bit of story line concerning a father-son’s relationship. It kept me interested just because of that little bit of family drama.

Our kids are used to watching these types of movies and scenes. However, if your kids have not been exposed to this type of movie. This is definitely not the one to show them! I was even having to turn my head quite a bit through some of these scenes.


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Then the kids and I watched Identity Thiefir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BNWWYE4 together. It was a very funny movie to say the least. I was a bit concerned with the way the movie started out with my kids watching it. However, with a bit of fast forwarding it wasn’t to terrible having them watch it. Since I’m a huge fan of Melissa McCarthy, the kids have to get use to seeing her movies.

There was an unexpected twist to this movie that actually made me quite happy. Many times there are people who do bad things because they weren’t loved or made to feel appreciated when they were growing up. Many people don’t realize the impact a parent has on their kids lives. This movie manages to throw that concept in a very funny movie.
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We also watched the first movie on the Saddle Up triple play DVD that came out today on Redbox. This DVD is filled with three movies: Healed by Grace, Natalie’s Rose, and Second Chances that are very religious based. Healed By Graceir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00A4OKKIO is the first movie on the DVD. It is a remarkable movie about how a horse helped a young woman find a new hobby to keep herself happy. Plus there were many other people who were affected by this relationship as well.

As you know, I personally love these types of movies. These movies are a perfect combination of religion and horses stories. We all know those are two topics I enjoy reading, watching, and writing about. I look forward to watching the other two movies on this DVD when I get the chance.

This is just a small run down of the movies we’ve watched today. We’re still working our way through some more movies. If there are anymore worth mentioning, I’ll write-up another post about it.

By the way, my post from yesterday got scratched due to a hosting switching confusion. However, just so you know I’m part of the Ultimate Challenge July 2013. I look forward to taking part and sharing posts with you that are more along my normal types of posts. I want to get this blog back to where it was when I started out, and also give you added benefits.

Thank you for coming by today.

What movies do you recommend I watch? 


Disclosure: I have personally rented these movies, but this post does include affiliate links.



Movie Reviews

Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

15 comments on “Tuesday Movie Review Is Back for 7/2/2013”

  1. Thanks for the reviews. It’s often hard to tell what to watch. I definitely want to see the Healed by Grace movie. Guess I’m a feel good movie kinda girl.

  2. Thanks for this – I actually didn’t realise that there was a last Die Hard movie so I am sure it will be a great one to watch with my husband sometime (maybe not with my kids – they are still quite little) – I haven’t seen identity theft either so I will check it out! Thanks!

    • Your welcome. I use to post new release reviews every Tuesday until our local Blockbuster closed. So, provided I can get my hands on them at Redbox in my local area I’ll do these again on Tuesdays. 😉

  3. I am a South Carolinian as well. I am in the Charleston area. I love all kinds of movies. Have you seen Soul Survivor? Great movie. I also loved Avatar and I love kids movies. I am just a big kid at heart sometimes.

    • The Avatar has been watched many times over in our household. I LOVE the graphics in that movie. I have never heard of Soul Survivor. I’ll check it out first chance I get. I love watching many kids movies with them as well. So, I guess that makes me a big kid too. 🙂 I can’t wait to watch Monster U and Despicable Me 2.

  4. {Melinda} I’ll have to watch Healed by Grace. Sounds like a good movie. I don’t know the ages of your kids, but my teenage daughter loved “To Save a Life” … also a Christian movie. Very powerful. It has mature themes — suicide, underage drinking, teen pregnancy. But for older kids, it really has the power to make an impact because it handles them in a really responsible way that makes kids think.

    • I’ve never heard of that movie. I will definitely check it out. If nothing else my niece and I can watch it. It sounds like a movie she should watch at this point in her life. Thank you for your suggestion.

  5. My husband and I just saw identity thief. It was Ok … a few funny parts but I honestly expected it to be a little better.

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  6. I am so out of touch with the movie scene since having babies! Thanks for catching me up a little here!
    Thanks for linking up to Raising Imperfection this week while I’m a co-hostess! Please come back to Mommynificent on Friday to see if you were featured.
    Have a magnificent day!

    • Tina,

      I’m so glad you stopped by. I look forward to Movie Review Tuesday. It’s actually my favorite post of the week. Of course, I have to turn my computer off and enjoy time with my kids and husband all day long watching movies. I think that’s actually one of the reason’s why I love it so much. It’s the one day when we shut down and turn into total couch potatoes for the week. The rest of the time we’re all doing our own projects and events. 🙂

  7. I have to admit that the last movie we went to see was Frozen. I used to take my kids to the movies every Friday and Saturday night, but now that they are grown up and have their own kids, I don’t watch movies like I used to. I don’t know why because I LOVE getting lost in a good movie. I think you may have just inspired me to start watching them again. I really want to watch Healed by Grace.

    • I haven’t seen that movie yet. It sounds like one I’d enjoy watching. I am trying to get back into the routine of doing movie reviews every Tuesday again. Hopefully that will help you find good movies to watch.

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