U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak -Home School in the Woods Review

With this year being a presidential election year, I jumped at the chance to use HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections from Home School in the Woods. I have been looking for ways to make History fun for the kids. I have seen all over the net various types of Lap-Paks, but they looked complicated to make. It still overwhelmed me when I saw this kit and I recruited Granny Lee to help make the Lap-Pak with Jimmy.

U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak Review

We had covered the branches of office, but not in an extensive amount of detail compared to this HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pack: U.S. Elections. This Lap-Pak covers the whole election process!

U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak Review
We got the digital version of this kit to download and make our Lap-Pak. The kit includes various hands-on activities for the kids to complete. It covers the forms of government, three branches of government, suffrage, why we vote, and so much more. Personally, I found the 24-page reference guide to be the most beneficial part of the kit! I don’t even remember half of the stuff that was covered in this project. Granny Lee and Jimmy put the Lap-Pak together. According to both of them, you have to pay close attention to the directions that are given otherwise you’ll make a few mistakes in the creation process.

Our Thoughts and Opinions

Jimmy wanted to share his thoughts and opinions on this project in a video. He hopes you’ll watch it.

As you can tell from the video, Jimmy was proud of his time he spent making this kit. As they were making this kit, his grandmother went over all the details on the pieces of the kit with him. He couldn’t help but learn something from his time spent making this Lap-Pak. Of course, since he took the time to make it he’s had to showcase his work to all who will listen. That, in turn, has led to him being questioned about everything he’s showing others. In my opinion, if someone has to be able to teach others about the material they learn they are more inclined to soak in the information.

I like how this concept allows the kids to do more than just read the text and answer questions. They have the opportunity to actively make something that they are more inclined to remember. I know when I personally spend time coloring I remember the details around the image. I believe the same concept holds true for this type of educational hands-on lesson.

More Information

Home School in the Woods offers HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections in digital form for $18.95 or a physical CD form for $19.95. This kit is ideal for grades 3-8. Everything you need to teach your kids about election history and process is covered in this Lap-Pak.

You can learn more by visiting Home School in the Woods website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest  , and Twitter.

Do you think your kids would enjoy using this hands-on Lap-Pak? 


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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

9 comments on “U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak -Home School in the Woods Review”

    • Thank you for checking it out. I hope you get the chance to use this system with your kids to teach them about elections and history.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  1. Very cool. I love lapbooks from what I’ve seen of them but have never done them with my children. It looks like such a unique way to document learning.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    • You’re welcome for sharing. As I stated, prior to doing this review I had not done lap books before either. However, I can easily say it’s worth the time to make them because the boys love them. They tend to pick them up and read them just for the fun of it because they are proud of what they made.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. Crystal,
    Thanks for sharing this over at Coffee & Conversation! I’ve added it as a resource to our Presidential Elections page…
    Have yourself a great week!! 🙂

    • Thank you for adding it to your resource page. I appreciate the support and help with promoting it. I truly like your Coffee & Conversation linkup. I hope you are a part of the three linkups I co-host??

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. I love how you described the almost incidental learning that happens with Lapbooking, and I also love your son’s proud look – you can tell he is really proud of the work he did! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!


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