This has been a long adventurous year to say the least for me! I’ve grown as a wife, a blogger, and a mother in so many ways since this year has started.
I set out to work on losing weight only to realize that I’ve got a physical road block that won’t let me lose it regardless what type of exercise or food diet I may pursue. I have to have physical medicine that I can’t afford at this point in my life to get my weight under control and I’ll have to stay on it the rest of my life just to maintain a healthy weight. So, I had to learn to accept my body in my own skin just the way it is. The good news about that is my body weight really hasn’t sky rocketed to an extremely uncomfortable weight but a few times in the past 13 years. The bad news is it hinders me in so many ways!

Del spent more time at work than he did at home for most of 2013. His stress level from his job was literally killing him. He literally aged ten years as a result. I nearly lost him, and that was a scare far bigger than I wanted to deal with! Thank God LITERALLY he chose his family over a secure paycheck. He is back to working in the family business and pursuing his dream of owning a wood working business.
Our marriage was put to a major test all throughout 2013. However, it also grew in a way that I can’t even begin to express. I was placed in a position that had me totally uncomfortable for most of the year. I was on the verge of throwing in the towel a few times. Yes, it was that bad. Yet, I knew I’d never be able to walk away from Del again. I need him in my life far too much. I don’t honestly believe I could survive without him again.
My blogging journey has increased. I have made many wonderful online friends this year. I feel like in 2014 they are only going to grow and become closer. I am going to be more of an active part of a couple of the forums I’ve neglected in the past couple of years. I also am debating on becoming a part of another forum that is from a blogger that I truly LOVE listening to her videos.
I also feel like I’ve determined that I wasn’t doing anyone any favors by not writing for me. I started this blog as a means of venting. Of getting out that excessive amount of stress or thoughts if you will from my day as a stay at home mother/wife. I want to go back to that. I feel like I let the spotlight scare me back into hiding. Well, again…no more! I am not going to change who I am just because more people may actually take the time to get to know me than I expected.
We FINALLY sold my mom’s house. It went for basically dirt cheap, and I could have probably held out to get more money from it. However, the cost of keeping it was killing us and hurting us a whole lot more than the gamble of keeping it for much longer was worth to us. I know it’s in good hands with the person who bought it. So that was the bitter part of my year.
The sweet part is I’ve been blessed to see Zeva transforming into a remarkable little girl. She is growing up so much. She’s trying desperately to potty train herself. Of course, I figured she would be easier to potty train because we’ve talking to her about it since she has been a year old. We’ve tried off and on to get her to do it. Now she’s telling me when she has to go to the bathroom and is striving to keep her butt dry. She is super-duper excited that she’s managing to do it. I am too! If we were able to get her out of diapers soon it would be absolutely positively beautiful! I’m sure every parent can relate to this one?
It’s been a crazy year for the kids school work. However, I believe that things will fall back in place like they should when we start back on Monday. (I gave them the week before and of Christmas off.) We have a bunch of big projects to work on next week and I’m personally NOT looking forward to them at all! Got to take the good with the bad.
We’ve gone through Internet issues like crazy all throughout 2013. However, we did find an Internet company that offers unlimited Internet in our area. It’s just not always reliable since we’re only able to connect to one tower. However, when it works, it works great. We’ve enjoyed having the freedom to do all kinds of things online that we couldn’t do in the past. I hope in 2014, that we may be blessed with other improved options. Gosh knows we’re trying like crazy to get it in our area.
My Facebook feed doesn’t show a lot of major milestones for 2013 because I haven’t spent a lot of time doing interaction on my personal Facebook page compared to my fan page. Of course, I have grown to start just using Facebook primarily for the groups that are on there more than anything. I’m curious is your Facebook review of 2013 really awesome?? Want to share it with us?
That’s been our year in a nut shell. Nothing overly exciting. We’ve all grown older and wiser. We are marching ahead to 2014 with big hopes and dreams and a whole lot of faith.
What has your 2013 been like in review?
Wishing you most success and happiness in 2014, Crystal. Stay strong!
Thank you. 🙂 I hope 2014 brings you loads of success and happiness too. 😉
Blogging “for me” is something I also want to try to do more of in 2014. I still will be doing promotions, reviews, etc. but I also want to get back to more of a “this is our journal of what we’re doing” mindset than being driven by “Is this picture good enough to get a zillion repins?”
I’m definitely still doing reviews and sponsored posts throughout 2014 too, but I’m also going to be writing more for the fun of it too. I don’t want it to become more of a job than a pleasure like it was starting to do towards the end of 2013. I was starting to regret blogging in the first place.
I honestly love all aspects of blogging. The friendships I’ve made have been priceless. The support and connections I’ve made with businesses has been a learning experience along with a confidence boaster for me too. I also totally love learning all of these technical aspects of it. I enjoy teaching others what I’ve learned about blogging too.
That is a lot! I can see why you called it bittersweet. I admire and appreciate your honesty. Writing about “me” is something that’s been on my mind too. I was told once that, unless it was useful to the reader, they won’t care about it. There’s some truth to that, but I’ve found great encouragement and inspiration in the candid thoughtful posts as well.
Thank you. I am having a hard time writing “about me” far more than I thought I would since I tend to turn every conversation I have with others to be about me (without meaning to do it!!) I honestly have found that others seem to really read and interact more on my blog posts about me and my family a whole lot more.
Glad you came by and commented. I look forward to seeing you again.